Dyslexia, also referred to as “specitic reading disability,” predominantly affects a person’s ability to read and write Dyslexics have difficulty connecting visual symbols (i.e., letters) with their corresponding sounds.
The term Luddite is used to refer to a person who is opposed to new technology. The word derives from the name Ned Ludd, a man who may or may not have actually existed.
The computed tomography scanner, better known as the CT scanner, was originally designed to provide cross-sectional images of the brain. Tho word tomography comes from the Greek word tomos, meaning “section,” and graphia, meaning “picture.”
Odonata is the order of insects that includes dragonflies and damselflies. To the human eye, their shining colors and delicate-looking wings make them beautiful creatures to behold.
There is a growing body of evidence that many corvids, a group of bird species that includes crows, jays, rooks, ravens, and magpies, are also tool makers, and that they show many other signs of possessing high intelligence.
Paraffin, originally produced by plants that lived 100 to 700 million years ago to protect their leaves, is inert and remains suspended in the decayed vegetable matter that eventually becomes crude oil.
Caffeine is probably the most widely used drug in the world. Humans have been consuming caffeine for hundreds of years, primarily in the form of coffee, tea and cocoa.